Greetings, Camp Blazing Trails! We had a lot of fun with you today during archery and our special guest! Enjoy the pictures of our day!
The Arawak Tribe for Weird Science week!
Silly Arawaks!
The Takota Tribe for Weird Science week!
Silly Takotas!
In addition to archery, we also had a special guest come out! Mr. Bob taught the kids about science in the natural world!
Everyone loved Mr. Bob! His talk was so fascinating! Thanks, Mr. Bob!
The Takotas had an awesome archery session!
Kids, this is what happens when you don't follow Mouse's Archery Safety Rules. Someone ends up getting hurt!
Jumping Panther makes a great zombie!
The Arawaks also had a good round of archery today. Lots of great shooting!
Jump Rope was stalking the squirrels
The squirrels are cheeky things...this one was just laying by the lunchboxes for about 5 minutes!
Our first and only bullseye shooter of the day!
We inadvertently caught a squirrel in the shed! We patrol the shed when we can to chase away the pesky lunch-stealing Slyvester and his squirrel friends. But today, Raptor and Mouse closed the shed door and were sitting on the step when they heard a mysterious scratching noise. Lo and behold, it was a squirrel, trapped in the shed!
He's in there, all right...
....and he's out!
So long, squirrel! Don't come near our campers' lunch boxes ever again!
Thanks for an amazing day, Camp Blazing Trails! We can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!