Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rockets, Water Day, and More!

Hey Camp Blazing Trails! We had so much fun on Tuesday with Water Day! Here are some pictures of our awesome day!

Moose came back to visit! Moose was our head counselor last year, and one of his favorite hobbies is rocketry! He came as a guest speaker to show off his rockets, and let the kids launch some of them!

While playing Trivia, Loco Raptor mentioned that he's getting married in October. Playing Viper was very sad, because she thought that meant he would never come to Camp Blazing Trails again...we all assured her that Raptor will be back next year!

No ignition....Houston, we have a problem! It looked like the battery was dead.

Moose pulled his car up to the field to try his car battery! Whoa!

The small battery we were trying to launch from....

...and Moose's car battery!! Now that's what I call extreme rocketry!

The countdown....


And liftoff!!


Our rocket retrieval crew was on the ball!

Moose showing off Big Bertha...he opened it up and showed the Takotas what was inside of it! We couldn't launch it though...the field wasn't bi

Gnome was teaching the Takotas a challenge...try to jump over a dollar bill with your hands touching your feet at all times! Very difficult!

Playing Viper drew a picture of Gnome in the dirt...stunning likeness, isn't it?

The Takotas were so happy to see Moose, they gave him a sneak hug!

Llama saved the money for the WeBuildPeople summer staff drive from getting too wet! Good job, Llama!

Checking out the dragonfly...they were landing on the kids and just sitting there!

No Water Day would be complete without our EPIC "Dive" Contest! Check out these epic action shots of the Takotas!

There were a lot of dragonflies hanging around Water Day!

Thanks for an awesome Water Day, Camp Blazing Trails!

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