Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lizzards, Snakes, and Alligators...Oh My!

Thursday was an eventful day at Camp Blazing Trails! Arts and Crafts, Purple Fuzzy Monster Hunts, and Family day including alligators, snakes, turtles, lizzards, and much more! Take a look at all the fun we have at camp!
Takota Tribe

Silly Takotas

Arawak Tribe

Silly Arawaks

Dora brought tons of really cool reptiles to camp from Noah's Landing.


Molly the bird

The alligator is softer than you think....

Duck overcoming her fear and kissing the alligator

Which side is the head and which one is the tail?
(hint the ones that eats is on the right)


Thursday's Assembly Skit

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 2 Canoeing and Fishing

Mama Llama loves canoeing!

The Quack Attack fishing group

Jump Rope our trusted lifegaurd!

Show me your silly face!

Show me your fish face!

Show me how excited are you to be at Camp Blazing Trails!

Week 1 Interview

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Camp Blazing Trails Week 1 Update

Camp Blazing Trails has started out with a BANG! We are having tons of fun out at Blue Jay and enjoying the toasty weather! Take a look at the pictures from week 1 and get excited for the rest of the summer!!

Danger Roo getting his ceremonial hair cut.

Tess made a Camp Blazing Trails shirt for her first day of camp! What an AWESOME kid :)

Moose giving out beads at archery. Look at all those beads!


We visited the Blue Jay Point Center and learned about birds. The kids really enjoyed learning from the park staff.